Sunday, August 16, 2015

Nicole Winston: Module #1, Option #3


I chose Module #1, Option #3 for my first assignment this week. I chose this module because we are really pushing communication this year with technology. I was familiar with some of the other applications, so I chose to learn about Today'sMeet. I had never heard of a backchannel before and honestly was expecting something more complicated and easy to use. It was so easy that I created a couple because I thought I was missing something! When you get to the website to create a room all you do is log-in with your your email address, create a password and then name the classroom. The classroom name would represent the topic or question of discussion. To respond to the topic all you would do is add a nickname and then type your response. 

My rationale for using this with students or teachers this year could be a variety of things. The one I created for this assignment was geared for staff orientation next week. It would have been live so my teachers could type in any overlying questions that were not answered during our Team Time for the first day of school. I really like how it is live responses instantly. They are also visible to everyone so other teacher would be able to see what questions each other had. 

Here is a sample of the two different views for the classroom. 

Yes I would recommend this to other educators. Todays Meet was very fast and easy. The most obvious of uses could be an enter or exit slip for a classroom, even though everyone could see everyones answer. But I could see this also being used as discussion points as well, or as I used it to ask questions. My one reservation about Todays Meet, is that depending on the use I would want the usernames to be anonymous. When you type your username everyone is able to view who typed that response. 

1 comment:

  1. Using TodaysMeet for faculty questions is a great idea! I've used it with students (teaching them how to give constructive feedback to each other) and with graduate students for feedback on projects. I find it interesting that you'd like the comments to be anonymous- that would scare me with students (and another reason why it's a great idea to log in with an email account so you could delete individual posts if you wanted to). By having students use their real names you can assess communication skills for listening and speaking. You can also use comments as a way to discuss that your online comments are visible to everyone. Just some thoughts. Let me know how it goes in your faculty meeting!

    If you are interested, here's a blog post about how I used TodaysMeet with fifth graders:
